Congenital Heart Diseases
Congenital Heart Diseases. Many children are born with cardiac problems. Others are serious and others are much less serious. Others are known and others are unknown. The pediatricians, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons are very seriously involved in the early months of their lives. Surgery is often required. In other cases the problem goes unnoticed by the pediatricians. And when the child reaches school age and engages in sports activities, it must be checked for how safe it is to go.
Congenital Heart Diseases Diagnosis
For this reason, a check is often done with a simple hearing from the pediatrician. In recent years, fortunately, suspicious pediatricians refer children to cardiologists for the issue of such certificates. Children should be examined clinically. Make an electrocardiogram and triplex heart and then as long as there is no problem to be allowed to sport. If a problem is identified even as an indication (diagnosis), it will be necessary to follow a thorough further check.
Proathletic Check Up
Unfortunately, many children participate in sports clubs without having ever been cardiac tested. My experience in the field of education has been confronted with cases of children who are at risk of their lives dealing with football or other competitive sports at some clubs while having a problem with their heart, sometimes serious. Many times we hear about the sudden death of a young athlete and then we are all worried about forgetting it shortly.
Proathletic Check Up is a very responsible procedure that must be done by an experienced cardiologist. For those children who needed surgery on the other hand, frequent monitoring is necessary. Having studied at and after my specialty in a remarkable pediatric cardiology department and having examined several hundred children, I believe I can monitor and advise children and parents responsibly about how many cardiac problems are hidden under a seemingly normal childhood activity.